Notre Dame of Australia – Broome Campus (Host of Aseaccu Conference)
The goals of the University of Notre Dame Australia include the provision of university education, within the context of Catholic faith and values; and the provision of an excellent standard of teaching, scholarship and research, training for the professions; and pastoral care for its students. The establishment of the Broome campus is central to Notre Dame achieving its goals as a Catholic University and one that builds on an existing commitment to indigenous education throughout Australia.
Please visit The University of Notre Dame Australia – Broome Campus for more information.
The University of Notre Dame, Australia, Broome Campus is the host of the Association of Southeast and East Asian Colleges and Universities (ASEACCU) Conference which will be held on August 23-27, 2016. Notre Dame’s Campus is found in the heart of the beautiful Kimberley region of northern Western Australia, a 2.5 hour flight from Perth. It is situated in Yawuru Country which provides the ideal location for this year’s conference theme: Valuing Indigenous Cultures and Traditions and the Care for our Common Home.
Please visit the 24th ASEACCU Conference 2016 in The UNDA – Broome Campus for more information.