Inclusive Education at the Heart of Catholic Colleges and Universities

November 21, 2017

The Faculty & Staff Conference was held from August 24-27, 2017. Rev. Fr. Joseph Maier and Dr. Dianne Chambers were invited as keynote speakers. Rev. Fr. Maier discussed matters pertaining to the child as the center of academic, charitable, and mission services while Dr. Chambers illustrated the definition of Inclusive Education through her research and workshop experiences in Australia and across Asia.  The afternoon sessions of the conference involved resource presentations from Sophia University, Japan and the Catholic University of South Korea, Seoul while on the third day of the conference, presentations were made by speakers from La Salle Benilde, Philippines and Atma Jaya University, Jakarta, Indonesia. Cultural presentations, cultural trips, and various exchanges and engagements were likewise held during the conference. The 25th ASEACCU Conference was attended by the largest number of participants.

(article prepared and submitted by Mr. Glen Chatelier, Assumption University)

25th ASEACCU Conference 2017 – Faculty and Staff Conference