Aseaccu Executive Board Meets in Boracay, Philippines

May 15, 2017

Specifically tackled in the ASEACCU Executive Board Meeting which was held last April 24-26 in Boracay, Philippines, are matters of utmost concern particularly those that pertain to the organization’s strategic direction. Regarding the ASEACCU Website, member universities are encouraged to publish articles and news updates. Important decisions made by the executive board will likewise be published in the website. The ASEACCU newsletter is expected to come out regularly. The next issue will come out in June 2017 and just like the maiden issue, member universities are encouraged to contribute news articles, news updates, and post recent and upcoming events. Future issues will include features such as new universities joining the organization and their activities. Though, the ASEACCU Newsletter is available on-line, copies of the newsletter will be given to member institutions during the 2017 conference. The joint publication initiative by ASEACCU member institutions is actually ongoing. The next issue of the Philippiniana Sacra Journal in collaboration with Solidarity, a Journal from Notre Dame of Australia, will feature the proceedings from the Broome Conference as well as other significant articles.

ASEACCU Executive Board Members and Representatives in Boracay Islands, Philippines

Mr. Glen Chatelier (Thailand), Prof. Peta Sanderson (Australia), Fr. Luke Jongchul WON (South Korea), Fr. Herminio Dagohoy, OP (Philippines), Prof. Yoshiaki Terumichi (Japan), Dr. Samuel CY Ku (Taiwan), Dr. Kuncoro Foe (Indonesia), Ms. Sotharin Men (Cambodia)]

The Executive Board also approved the program for the 2017 conference, which will be held at the Assumption University of Thailand. The theme chosen for this year is Catholic Educational Institutions and Inclusive Education: Transforming Spaces, Promoting Practices, Changing Minds. A separate workshop for those who are engaged in campus ministry will be held days before the annual conference. ASEACCU member universities that do not have Campus Ministry, but have people doing similar work as campus ministers, will be invited to the coming conference. Workshops on online education and community development may be included in future conferences.

One of the goals of ASEACCU is to articulate and promote the Catholic identity of member institutions through the proposed Leadership Academy, which will hold training for top-level, middle, and new administrators is tentatively scheduled in 2018. The said training is expected to highlight or emphasize regional content as well as train educators in a non-Catholic society. ASEACCU will seek the assistance of the International Federation of Catholic Universities (IFCU).  Regarding ASEACCU’s regular board meetings, the executive board has decided to strengthen organizational governance by meeting twice a year.