Members of ASEACCU participates in the 3rd AUAP Faculty Development Programme in Bangkok, Thailand

The 3rd AUAP Faculty Development Programme was recently held in Bangkok, Thailand from April 21 to 24, April 2024. Themed “Internationalisation of Higher Education”, the programme provides Higher Education Institution’s staff with insights and skills required to become effective managers and relevant agents in the internationalisation process of their Higher Education Institutions. This year’s edition was organised by the Association of Universities of Asia and the Pacific (AUAP) in collaboration with the Association of Southeast and East Asian Catholic Colleges and Universities (ASEACCU).
The opening ceremony featured a speech by Dr. Anoop Swarup, Secretary General of AUAP, who welcomed the participants to the event. One of the keynote speeches of the programme “Instruments and Models for Practical Engagement in Internationalisation” was delivered by Prof. Álvaro Barbosa, Vice-rector for Internationalisation and Academic Affairs at the University of Saint Joseph Macao, sharing insights on internationalisation trends and demands over the past five years. Dr. Magda Ferro, Head of the International Office at Universidade Católica Portuguesa, also delivered a speech on “Trends in Internationalisation of Higher Education: Drivers and tools”.
[Dr. Magda Ferro with Prof. Álvaro Barbosa after her presentation]
ASEACCU members in attendance include Dr. Caecilia Tutyandari, Vice-rector for Collaboration and Alumni Affairs at Universitas Sanata Dharma, Indonesia, Dr. Regina Aileen May Vergara, Vice-President for Academic Affairs at University of San Agustin, Philippines, Asst. Prof. Dr. Nanthaphan Chinlumprasert and Dr. Thirawarin Bunyapipat, respectively Dean and Lecturer at Saint Louis College, Thailand, as well as from the Universidade Católica Timorense, who has applied for ASEACCU membership, Dr. João Câncio da Costa Freitas, Vice-Rector for Research & Post-Grad.
[Group photo of ASEACCU delegate members at the event]
The Association of Universities of Asia and the Pacific (AUAP), was established on the 28th of July 1995, with the highest consultative status and recognition with UNESCO. AUAP’s primary purpose is to be the main platform for interaction and collaboration between members and to be an effective voice for universities in Asia and the Pacific region. As a result of both associations’ dedication to fostering educational dialogue on an international and regional level, ASEACCU signed a partnership agreement with AUAP last year and aims to collaboratively promote opportunities for members of the Associations.